Member-only story
Don’t Live A Dead Rabbits Life

I buried a rabbit today.
Poor thing got run over by a car and was left to rot on the side of a gravel road. Cars passed, a few people walked by, dogs sniffed and peed on it, but no one cared to bury it to give its body a proper resting place.
Except for me, but that was after running and walking past it for at least a dozen times. So yes — I am no saint either.
Cute and cuddly when alive. Smelly, and disgusting when dead.
I have been in some dark places lately, mentally speaking that is.
With everything that is going on in the world right now, there were times my motivation was at 0%. With no hope of anything changing for the better, what was I even doing? It was hard getting up in the morning, hard to stay positive, hard to actually get stuff done, and continue living my life the way I used to.
How can I still look forward and be hopeful for the future? How can I still be positive and motivated to work on my goals? Will life ever be normal again?
I know for a fact that a lot of people are in a similar position. Barely holding on by their toenails, mentally totally drained, living the life of a dead rabbit slowly wasting away on the side of a gravel road.